
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

19 Months Old

Sunday, January 8, 2012

'Tis the season

What a weekend its been! Our poor little Everlly has been sick. Friday night a trip to the ER confirmed another sinus infection and a possible virus that's been going around. Thankfully there is no pneumonia this time. She already is congested most of the time and now with this cold she "snores like an old man" and struggles to breathe when she sleeps. It's so hard-breaking. Thankfully she decided to finally drink some fluids Saturday morning so we didn't have to go back in and have her get an IV of fluids. I just pray that she "kicks" this and get back to her usual goofy self.


January 14 will mark a year since her surgery at the Children's Hospital in Milwaukee, where they corrected a diaphragmatic hernia. It's amazing how fast time flies and how well she came through the surgery.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Gettin' Down Central Wisconsin

The Kloth Family just became very proud members of Gettin' Down Central Wisconsin! This is a very exciting adventure for us! Can't wait to start meeting new families!

Sunday, January 1, 2012